This is the complete illustrated guide to setting up and using Calibre for organising your e-books, paperbacks and other media.
Do you have hundreds of e-books but can never find the one you want? Would you like to convert an e-book to work on a different device? Are you itching to organize your e-books for your research or entertainment but are not quite sure how? Then this guide is for you!
This is the complete illustrated guide to setting up and using Calibre for organising your e-books, paperbacks and other media.. Packed full of tips and information, this guide will help you to:
- Learn how Calibre can be useful to you
- Set-up Calibre
- Catalog ebooks, i.e. add books, edit book information
- Send e-books to your Kindle or other devices *Find free e-books
- Browse and search your e-book collections *Convert e-books
- Edit e-books
- Discover, download and send news sources to your devices
- Catalog physical items such as paperbacks, hardbacks, CDs, DVDs and anythign else that needs organizing
- And much more…
This is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide for readers, authors, students and researchers that will show you how to navigate the sometimes confusing set of features in Calibre with an introduction to finding free e-books.
Contents of A Simpler Guide to Calibre
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: Adding, deleting and exporting books
Chapter 3: eBook Management
Chapter 4: Converting books
Chapter 5: Downloading and reading your books
Chapter 6: Browsing and Searching
Chapter 7: Turning news, blogs and other sources into eBooks
Chapter 8: Accessing Calibre from anywhere
Chapter 9 Editing eBooks
Chapter 10 Cataloging physical collections: Books, DVDs and CDs
Chapter 11 Advanced
Chapter 12: Getting hold of books
Chapter 13: Quick Frequently Asked Questions
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