On her 21st birthday, Princess Kailani’s father tells her that when she was a baby, her mother was abducted. She also learns she has family in another world.Defying her father, she travels from her Cloud Castle home to the ice kingdom of Idenvarlis where Kailani’s instincts drive her to find the...

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About the Book

On her 21st birthday, Princess Kailani’s father tells her that when she was a baby, her mother was abducted. She also learns she has family in another world.

Defying her father, she travels from her Cloud Castle home to the ice kingdom of Idenvarlis where Kailani’s instincts drive her to find the mother she doesn’t remember.

Gifted with the magic of two worlds, and skilled in the use of weapons, she journeys into unknown and dangerous territory. Despite her determination to rescue her mother, she’s forced to overcome new fears and find a way to cope with all she encounters.

However, a person in authority will stop at nothing to prevent either of them returning.

Kailani faces isolation, wild beasts, rogue soldiers, and more as she battles to return to the Ice Palace. With the stakes so high, can she make it back alive?

Author: Carlie M A Cullen
Publisher: Myrddin Publishing Group
Publication Year: 2015
ASIN: B0186I74JC
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Carlie M A Cullen

Carlie M A Cullen was born in London. She grew up in Hertfordshire where she first discovered her love of books and writing. She has been an administrator and marketer all her working life and was also a professional teacher of Ballroom and Latin American dancing until 2013 when she had to stop due to health reasons.

Author of the Heart Search trilogy. She writes in the Fantasy/Paranormal genres for New Adult and Adult.

Carlie is a principal editor with Eagle Eye Editors.

Carlie also holds the reins of a writing group called Writebulb. They have now published four anthologies and all proceeds go to charity.

She currently lives in Essex, UK with her daughter.

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