Ybor City, Florida. November 1999On the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, lowly female impersonator Chris Reynolds brings a mysterious stranger home. In the four-day weekend which follows, Chris and his friends become embroiled in the secret world of Dr. Stephen Bartow, a reluctant & incompetent vampir...
Ybor City, Florida. November 1999
On the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, lowly female impersonator Chris Reynolds brings a
mysterious stranger home. In the four-day weekend which follows, Chris and his friends
become embroiled in the secret world of Dr. Stephen Bartow, a reluctant & incompetent
vampire who only wants his humanity restored so he can return to his one true love. Yet
they are all in danger when a demon from Dr. Stephen’s past returns to destroy them.
One romantic evening gone wrong for Chris and his alter ego Dee Flaytable is forever
transformed into a formidable creature of the night– fabulous and seductive, her siren’s
song captivates every audience. But can she triumph in the face of true evil?
When the Vampire Queens battle, who will win?