Dark Places

Dark Places
Author: Shaun Allan
Genre: Poetry
Publisher: Myrddin Publishing Group
Publication Year: 2012
ASIN: B009O51FZ6

I am Death. I know who you are... There is darkness and madness in each of us. We must do battle with our own demons. But... What if those demons opened the door in the back of your mind and stepped out. What if they became real? If the night, the shadows, the reflections and Death himself walked...

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About the Book

I am Death. I know who you are…

There is darkness and madness in each of us. We must do battle with our own demons.


What if those demons opened the door in the back of your mind and stepped out. What if they became real? If the night, the shadows, the reflections and Death himself walked among us? And what if they were watching you? Waiting? Thirsting…?

Dark Places. Thirteen stories. Thirteen poems.

Thirteen doorways.

Praise for Dark Places:
“He paints a surreal scene that sucks you into the terror.”
“Wow. Brilliantly written.”

Shaun Allan

Shaun AllanA creator of many prize winning short stories and poems, Shaun Allan has written for more years than he would perhaps care to remember. Having once run an online poetry and prose magazine, he has appeared on Sky television to debate, against a major literary agent, the pros and cons of internet publishing as opposed to the more traditional method. Many of his personal experiences and memories are woven into the point of view and sense of humour of Sin, the main character in his best-selling novel of the same name, although he can’t, at this point, teleport.

A writer of multiple genres, including horror, humour and children’s fiction, Shaun goes where the Muse takes him – even if that is kicking and screaming.

Shaun lives with his one partner, two daughters, three cats and four fish!  Oh, and a dog.

You can find Shaun on TwitterFacebookGoodreads, and at his website.

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