Dragons In Flight (Maze Beset Book 3)

Dragons In Flight (Maze Beset Book 3)

It all comes down to this. Bobby has to find the girl, save the woman, wake the team, stop the disaster, open the door, and eat the partridge in a pear tree. Not even Head Cowboy can do it all alone. Like it or not, he needs help, and the only places he has left to look for it are the unlikely ones....

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About the Book

It all comes down to this. Bobby has to find the girl, save the woman, wake the team, stop the disaster, open the door, and eat the partridge in a pear tree. Not even Head Cowboy can do it all alone. Like it or not, he needs help, and the only places he has left to look for it are the unlikely ones.

In this final installment of the Maze Beset Trilogy, Bobby learns things he doesn’t want to know, does things he doesn’t want to do, and says things he doesn’t want to say. What does a guy have to do to get a beer around here?

Author: Lee French
Genres: Superhero, Science-fiction, Science-fiction & Fantasy
Publisher: Clockwork Dragon
Publication Year: 2014
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Lee French

Lee French lives in Olympia, WA with two kids, two bicycles, and too much stuff. She is an avid gamer and active member of the Myth-Weavers online RPG community, where she is known for her fondness for Angry Ninja Squirrels of Doom. In addition to spending much time there, she also trains year-round for the one-week of glorious madness that is RAGBRAI, has a nice flower garden with one dragon and absolutely no lawn gnomes, and tries in vain every year to grow vegetables that don’t get devoured by neighborhood wildlife.

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