A Simpler Guide to Finding Free eBooks: A step-by-step guide to discovering and downloading free e-books for the Kindle, Kindle Fire, Android, iPad and other e-readers (Simpler Guides)

A Simpler Guide to Finding Free eBooks: A step-by-step guide to discovering and downloading free e-books for the Kindle, Kindle Fire, Android, iPad and other e-readers (Simpler Guides)
Author: Ceri Clark
Series: Simpler Guides
Genres: Non-fiction, Tech Guides
Tags: find free ebooks, free ebooks, technology guides
Publisher: Lycan Books
Publication Year: 2014
Length: 226 pages
ISBN: 1909236039

Written by a Librarian with over a decade of experience buying, organising and developing book collections, this is the complete illustrated guide to finding free and legal e-books on the internet.

About the Book

Written by a Librarian with over a decade of experience buying, organising and developing book collections, this is the complete illustrated guide to finding free and legal e-books on the internet. Packed full of tips and information, this guide will help you to:

  • Learn about the different types of e-books
  • Understand why e-books are given away free
  • Know what Digital Rights Management is and how it affects you
Ceri Clark

Ceri Clark lives in Newport in Wales, turn left when you hit England. She writes in several genres including technology guides, children's picture books, password books, as well as creating coloring books for adults and children.

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