Ten Thousand Lines
Set in the harsh backdrop of a dystopian future, an unlikely friendship flowers among the weeds of oppression.Ten Thousand Lines takes place during a time when human beings are sharply divided by class and discontentment brews under the placid surface of the city called Superbia. When a Hive 14 Work...
More info →Elmer Left.
At the age of seventy-eight, Elmer Heartland packed up his things, kissed his sleeping wife on the forehead, and left. For good." So begins the journey of Elmer, a man in his twilight years who has spent most of his life simply doing what he was told. After year upon year of empty conversations, mea...
More info →Darkness Rising (Book 4 – Loss) (Prism)
Bravery is measured in moments.In the lands of Nurolia the evils of the past are returning to torment the present. Emelia and her companions traverse the arid desert of Pyrios seeking the red crystal. Its power resides in the grasp of the dreaded Red Emperor, who enslaves the warrior race of Incandi...
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